Risk management in trading is essential for averting the risk of bearing the losses arising from stock market trade. Risk management involves risk identification, risk evaluation and mitigation of risks which usually arise when the market moves in the opposite direction from the expectations.
Trends are the most important factor in risk management, as trends imply the general direction or momentum of the market. Trends can be affected by political events such as elections, economic events such as interest rate decisions, or business events such as new technologies.
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Risk management in trading is essential for averting the risk of bearing the losses arising from stock market trade. Risk management involves identification, evaluation and mitigation of risks which usually arise when the market moves in the opposite direction from the expectations.
Trends are the most important factor here. A trend implies the general direction or momentum of the market, asset price or other such measures. These factors are primarily political events such as elections, economic events such as interest rate decisions, or business events such as new technologies.
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Live Instructor-Led Sessions
Rs. 3,250 + 18% GST (Rs. 3,835 inclusive of GST)
12 hours (4 Sessions | 3 Hours Each)
InvestorsTraders Sub-brokers/ DealersWorking executives
Live Online Interactive Classes by Professional Faculty
Class recordings available for a limited period*
Subscription to Trading Simulator for Hands-on Training
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1 - Year Complimentary Subscription to NSE Knowledge HUB
3 - Months Complimentary Subscription to Trading Simulator
Complimentary Access to NSE Academy Fin Talent Platform
Highly Qualified faculty (Including CA, CFA, FRM, MBA, and PhD holders) having practical experience working in the corporate world. The eminent faculty can help you gain a better understanding of financial concepts with real-world implications. The faculty helps the learners innovate in business practices. NSE Academy faculty team includes outstanding educators and researchers from both the academic and business sectors, contributing to the overall professional and personal growth of the students across geographies.
NSE Academy has been established as a wholly owned subsidiary of National Stock Exchange of India Limited, which promotes financial literacy and skill oriented financial markets courses with online testing and certification system. NSE Academy, in association with reputed Universities & Colleges in India, has been offering various certification programs at the campuses of the respective Universities/colleges/ institutes. NSE Academy Certification courses have been designed with industry participants for grooming of candidates with job related skills. All the programs are crafted to prepare the students for future role in the financial and technology industry. visit NSE-Academy
This program will focus on risk management strategies in trading, and cover topics like risk identification, risk evaluation and mitigation of risks in the stock market, trading biases, single position & multiple position risks, gedging and many more. You will also learn about portfolio optimization and portfolio attributes and risk estimation.
The course will be conducted via the WebEx Meeting platform, and you will receive all the class links & login details one day before the training starts.
Class delivery will be in English .
You will receive the certificate of participation on your registered email id within 15 working days after course completion.
Validity – Lifetime
The daily class recordings will be shared through NSE Knowledge Hub and knowledge Hub login credentials will be shared on your registered email id within 7 working days after the course completion. The class recordings will be available for your view for next 15 days.
NSE SMART Trading Simulator helps you to gain practical trading experience on NSE’s real-tick data by trading on NSE’s Simulated Market Training (NSESMART) Platform. This helps you to access learning methodologies that extend far beyond the formal and traditional forms of finance education. The NSE SMART - Simulated Market Trading Application reproduces features of a live equity/ derivative/ currency derivative market on trading terminals for students to practice and learn trading securities without financial risk. You will receive the NSE SMART login credentials on your registered email id within 7 working days after the course completion.
NSE Smart access will be available for 3 months, post that it will be available for Rs. 2000 Annually .
This is a unique Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered learning platform specially created for financial learning and to assist the BFSI sector in enhancing skills for their employees and helping academic institutions in preparing future-ready talent skilled for the financial services industry.
NKH access will be available for 1 Year, post that it will be available for Rs. 999 Annually.